Jean M. Due and Marianne Ferber International Research Award

The Jean M. Due and Marianne Ferber International Research Award was established through generous gifts from emeriti professors Marianne Ferber and Jean Due.

The Jean M. Due and Marianne Ferber International Research Award is intended to provide financial support for individuals from developing countries conducting dissertation research on gender and development issues, especially research that promises to make a significant contribution to the improvement of women’s lives and gender equity in the developing world.


In order to be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be from a developing country and demonstrate financial need.
  • Conducting dissertation research on gender and development issues.
  • The award is intended for current or newly accepted international graduate students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. All genders welcome to apply.


Applications are due by March 15, 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are scholarship recipients chosen?

Submissions will be reviewed by a staff committee and evaluated based on eligibility criteria and responses provided in the application.

What is the amount of the award?

The Jean M. Due and Marianne Ferber International Research Award is a $1,000 scholarship to be used for expenses related to conducting conducting dissertation research on gender and development issues. This amount may change each year based on fund amounts available.

When will award notifications be sent?

Award notifications will be sent in April.