Vision 2030 Global Strategy

Leveraging the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's international impact for positive contributions to our community, the state, the nation, and the world.

The university has a long history of global engagement, from welcoming the largest population of international students among public institutions in the United States, to recruitment of outstanding international faculty, robust education abroad programs, and multifaceted partnerships with leading institutions. However, emerging global trends implore the university to explore new strategies to build on this momentum. Changing demographics in the world population, growing middle classes in middle-income countries, increased global competition for higher education, and increased use of digital and remote learning are just a few of the trends impacting higher education. Under this context, a campus-wide committee of faculty and staff from multiple units and departments were charged to identify strategic priorities and actionable pathways to respond to these trends.

Explore the strategic priorities and actions:

Building on the university's distinctive experience as an international campus, Vision 2030 Global Strategy outlines five strategic priorities that will not only enhance the university's position as a global leader in higher education, but address critical global challenges to support our state, the nation, and the world.

New funding opportunities:

The university has created new funding opportunities and initiatives to provide students, faculty, and staff with the opportunity to engage directly with the Vision 2030 Global Strategy.