DEI Committee
Illinois International's efforts to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization are guided by the unit's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee in partnership with unit leadership and all staff. The Committee is appointed for a two-year term.
Academic Year 2024-Present Committee
The Committee is charged with 1) supporting the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives identified by the units in their annual plans; 2) maintaining an understanding of, and advise on, emerging issues impacting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace; and 3) identifying and implementing strategic actions that support diversity, equity, and inclusion across all units at Illinois International.
Academic Year 2024-Present Committee
Shirice Harris, Partnership Coordinator, Global Relations, co-chair
Scarlette Martinez, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Services, co-chair
Holly Bullamore, International Scholar Advising Specialist, International Student and Scholar Services
Kathryn Burden, Associate Director, International Student and Scholar Services
Luis Canales, Associat Provost for Illinois International, ex-officio
Analicia Haynes, Storytelling & Social Media Specialist, Global Communication
Shynar Imangaliyeva, Program Coordinator, Global Education and Training
Jill Ouellette, Office Administrator for Illinois International
Carolina Rocha, Education Abroad Coordinator, Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange
Shuo Wang, Associate Director, Global Relations
Allison Wheeler, Program Coordinator, Global Education and Training
Through a unit-wide staff survey, the Committee identified three action items that were deemed most important to staff to begin implementing:
- Create a diversity, equity, and inclusion-focused professional development requirement.
- Develop and maintain a DEI-focused annual workshop and training schedule.
- Create an Illinois International "experts guide" resource.
The Committee is continuing to focus on implementing the above action items. One sub-committee is focusing on the first two items, and the other is focusing on the third item. Both groups are in progress of completing each action item and plan to finish implementing them in this academic year.
Academic Year 2021-2023 Committee
The 2021-2023 Committee was charged with developing an actionable plan aimed at integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, policies, and practices across all Illinois International operations.
Marta Schneider, Associate Director for Global Communication, chair
Peter Chiligiris, Senior Lecturer, Intensive English Institute
Andrew Collum, Director for International Safety and Security
Denise Esworthy, Associate Director for Human Resources
Shirice Harris, Partnership Coordinator for Global Relations
Debbie Lowe-Morgan, Assistant to the Vice Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies
Scarlette Martinez, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Services
Joy Phaphouvaninh, Director, Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange
Across the 2021-2023 academic years, the Committee worked to develop Illinois International's statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion. With the support of staff feedback and guidance from external experts, the Committee also built a process and structure for creating actionable steps towards achieving the diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments as well as identified the first action items to undertake.
Academic Year 2020-2021 Working Groups
During the 2020-2021 academic year, Dr. Mabokela appointed two working groups to evaluate diversity, equity, and inclusion policies and practices at Illinois International. One working group was charged with examining our search, hiring, and retention practices. The other working group was charged with exploring ways to create a more inclusive workplace culture.
The two working groups conducted a unit-wide reflection-style survey and produced a joint set of work group recommendations. The recommendations were as follows:
- Appoint strategic advisory and planning committee for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Increase external visibility of Illinois International’s commitment to DEI.
- Establish robust advertising guidelines and resources for units aimed at increasing the diversity of applicants and eliminating bias during the recruitment process.
- Address retention issues identified in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Reflection.
- Create fair and transparent salary guidelines.
- Hire full-time employee dedicated to Illinois International’s DEI initiatives.
- Develop DEI-focused training series for all Illinois International staff.
At the conclusion of their appointment terms, the two groups were merged into one committee to implement, oversee, and expand the efforts identified in the working group recommendations.