How We Are Taking Action

Illinois International's DEI Committee oversees the following action steps identified to meet the commitments outlined in Illinois International’s Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Our Commitments

  • Commitment 1: We will respect, accept, and embrace the individual identities and differences in Illinois International and strive to include those who are and are not represented in each space.
  • Commitment 2: We will employ intentional actions to ensure that Illinois International’s work environment is free of systemic barriers by providing sustainable access to resources and opportunities.
  • Commitment 3: We will strive to foster genuine belonging within Illinois International.


Each action includes the following sections:

  • A summary of the purpose and goals, including which commitments we will meet through said action.
  • A list of the inputs needed to make the opportunities accessible.
  • Accountability check points, in other words, the steps we will take to implement and achieve our vision.
  • Expected outputs, including tangible resources, policies, or best practices.
  • Intended outcomes and impact to the unit.
  • Roles and responsibilities for all individuals involved.

Click on each box to learn more.


Appoint and charge a unit-wide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee.

Purpose & Goals

To meet all three commitments, we will take actionable steps to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, policies, and practices across all Illinois International operations by appointing a Committee to lead and advise on such efforts.

Intended Outcomes
  • Raise staff awareness of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Create a shared unit-wide approach to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the workplace.

Inputs Needed
  • Staff time.
  • Leadership support and feedback (as requested).
  • Non-committee member staff support and feedback.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Develop a unit statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion to serve as a foundation for future actions.
  2. 2. Develop an initial set of actions with specific, measurable steps.
  3. 3. Seek statement approval by Illinois International's senior leadership.
  4. 4. Seek staff feedback on statement during in-person presentation sessions.
  5. 5. Publish statement on all reporting unit websites and the staff portal.
  6. 6. Seek action plan approval by Illinois International Leadership.
  7. 7. Seek staff feedback on action plan via in-person presentation sessions.
  8. 8. Publish unit action plan on unit website and staff portal.
  9. 9. Create Committee bylaws to outline roles, responsibilities, terms of commitment, and charge for future members.
  10. 10. Create printed reference card with the statement and commitments for distribution to all staff after moving to new building.

Expected Outputs
  • Unit-wide statement and goals on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Achievable action planand structure for future action plan ideas.
  • Webpages and staff portal resource.
  • Committee bylaws.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Committee: draft statement and action plan, seek feedback and input, publish outputs, and begin implementing action plan.
  • Illinois International Leadership and Unit Directors: provide feedback, support activities, and ensure that there are specific, actionable steps that are tracked and tied to performance.
  • Staff: provide feedback and take advantage of opportunities made available.

Appoint unit diversity advocates to participate in all searches and ensure inclusive hiring practices are maintained.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitments one and two, we will ensure inclusivity throughout the searches by appointing designated unit diversity advocates to serve on all committees.

Intended Outcomes
  • Ensure various identities and differences are respected during the search processes.
  • Reduce biases that lead to poor search experiences for potential employees.
  • Provide a professional development opportunity for staff.

Inputs Needed
  • Staff time.
  • Training and resources for diversity advocates.
  • Support and tools from the Office of Access and Equity.

Accountability Check Points

Note: Diversity advocates are appointed every year. As such, the check points below are cyclical.

  1. 1. Appoint multiple diversity advocates.
  2. 2. Provide diversity advocates with training in partnership with the Office of Access and Equity.

Expected Outputs

Diversity advocates will serve a one-year term and participate on all searches in Illinois International. Diversity advocates who have previously served a one-year term will act as a mentor for new diversity advocates.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Illinois International Human Resources: manage diversity advocates program, support, and engage diversity advocates, and offer various trainings and resources in partnership with the Office of Access and Equity.
  • Diversity advocates: participate in searches and ensure equity throughout the search process.

In Progress

Create a diversity, equity, and inclusion-focused professional development requirement.

Purpose & Goals

To meet all three of our commitments, we will foster a culture of lifelong learning on the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion by ensuring that staff attend at least one training or presentation per semester.

Intended Outcomes
  • Raise awareness of Illinois International’s diversity, equity, and inclusion values and encouraging staff to internalize them and incorporate them into their work.
  • Broaden individual knowledge, perspectives, and competencies.
  • Encourage personal growth and self-exploration of perceptions and attitudes.
  • Build skills for working with and alongside individuals who are different from them.
  • Prepare staff to be able to share reflections in annual performance appraisal.

Inputs Needed
  • Committee time to prepare requirement.
  • Staff time to review and provide feedback on requirement.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Partner with Illinois International Leadership to draft expectations for attending one, diversity, equity, and inclusion focused training per semester (will include alternate service options such as serving as a diversity advocate).
  2. 2. Seek Illinois International Leadership approval on expectations and guidelines.
  3. 3. Seek Senior Leadership approval on expectations and guidelines.
  4. 4. Once approved, provide opportunity for staff to give feedback to identify any barriers that may have been overlooked.
  5. 5. Finalize expectations and guidelines.
  6. 6. Revise performance appraisal worksheet.
  7. 7. Announce and promote to staff.
  8. 8. Ensure selected trainings encourage active learning.

Expected Outputs
  • Staff expectation for completing one training per semester at minimum.
  • Annual reflection on diversity, equity, and inclusion principles in performance appraisals.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Committee: draft requirement.
  • Illinois International Leadership: approve requirement and ensure compliance, participate, advocate for cultural change, and celebrate.
  • Unit Directors and Supervisors: advocate for participation in professional development opportunities, and ensure compliance, and celebrate.
  • Staff: take advantage of opportunities, report and reflect on lessons learned through annual performance appraisal worksheet and identify additional training needs.

Develop and maintain a DEI-focused annual workshop and training schedule.

Purpose & Goals

To meet all three commitments and support lifelong learning, we will ensure that all staff have access to professional development opportunities focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Intended Outcomes
  • Broaden individual knowledge, perspectives, and competencies.
  • Encourage personal growth and self-exploration of perceptions and attitudes.
  • Build skills for working with and alongside individuals who are different from them.
  • Ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion focused professional development occurs on an ongoing basis.

Inputs Needed
  • Illinois International Leadership support and approval of goal.
  • Committee time to prepare training schedule format.
  • Committee/staff time to update training schedule.
  • $20,000 annually for grant program.
  • Committee time to review and approve grant requests.
  • Finance team time to JV appropriate funds to units.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Review IAGE model for tracking trainings and determined if a similar format will work for this initiative.
  2. 2. Seek Senior Leadership approval and request financial support in the form of "grants" for DEI-focused trainings.
  3. 3. Utilize on-campus trainings and opportunities. Identify if training/opportunity enhances knowledge, skills, or attitudes.
  4. 4. Draft a how-to guide for using the database and create a form that allows staff to recommend or submitting trainings/opportunities.
  5. 5. Collect informational materials that can be accessed outside of trainings.
  6. 6. Develop mechanism for staff to share materials received at trainings (as appropriate).
  7. 7. Publish and promote among Illinois International staff.
  8. 8. Evaluate usage and effectiveness (process TBD).

Expected Outputs
  • Database of trainings and presentations occurring throughout the semester.
  • Metrics to be included in annual reports including, but not limited to participation numbers, staff feedback, and other metrics as identified.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Committee: create/maintain database and identify trainings and presentations.
  • Human Resources: partner with committee to propose trainings in subject area.
  • Illinois International Leadership: advocate for staff to use the database and financial support (if applicable).
  • Unit Directors and Supervisors: support engagement by allowing time away from duties.
  • Staff: contribute to the training database, identify needs, and take advantage of opportunities.

Create an Illinois International "experts guide" resource.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitments one and three—as well as respond to previous staff feedback—we will create a resource to improve how we recognize and utilize the unique perspectives and experiences within our unit.

Intended Outcomes
  • Provide a pathway for Illinois International staff share their expertise across units.
  • Enhance staff belonging by valuing unique perspectives.
  • Increase inter-unit collaborations and engagement.

Inputs Needed
  • Software to capture and maintain experts list.
  • Staff time to self-identify areas of expertise.
  • Staff time to maintain list (in the event of staff arrivals and departures).

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Draft an initial outline of the experts’ guide using the committee's expertise as an example.
  2. 2. Draft usage guidelines.
  3. 3. Solicit staff feedback and input to fill out the guide sections.
  4. 4. Publish on the staff portal.
  5. 5. Promote the resource to staff.

Expected Outputs
  • "Illinois International Experts" guide in the format of an interactive spreadsheet.
  • Guidelines for how to use the resource and how to appropriately request staff assistance.
  • Metrics to be included in annual reports including, but not limited to, page visits (unique visitors and returning visitors) and usage.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Committee: share skillsets as part of the pilot year and draft usage guidelines.
  • Illinois International Leadership: advocate for staff to participate and utilize the resource.
  • Unit Directors and Supervisors: advocate for staff to participate and utilize the resource.
  • Staff: participate by sharing their skill set if desired and utilize the resource.

Create fair and transparent salary guidelines.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitment two, our Human Resources and International Business Operations teams will develop an internal standards matrix for hiring, merit increases, and promotions.

Intended Outcomes
  • Increase understanding about opportunities for salary merit increases and promotional opportunities.
  • Improve organizational health, employee retention and morale, and operational excellence by limiting equity issues.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Connect with other administrative units across campus to research best practices and how they establish equity in their hiring salaries, merit increases, and promotional increments.
  2. 2. Compile 5-year historical salary data for all Illinois International employees to establish a baseline for hiring/promotional ranges.
  3. 3. Using data and best practices collected, develop guidelines/standards matrix for hiring ranges, merit, and promotional increases.
  4. 4. Establish possible career paths for various positions and promotional ranges.
  5. 5. Submit all outputs to Illinois International Leadership for review and approval.
  6. 6. Communicate and publish materials on the staff portal.

Expected Outputs
  • A standard hiring, merit increase, and promotions matrix that is adaptable across Illinois International.
  • Hiring, annual salary merit increases, and promotional (incremental) guidelines to accompany the matrix.
  • Career paths guidance and promotional ranges document(s).

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Human Resources and International Business Operations: research and draft guidance and documents, seek feedback, publish outputs, and begin implementing action plan.
  • Illinois International Leadership: provide feedback, support, and approve guidance, matrix, and plan.

Incorporate a diversity, equity, and inclusion reflection into annual performance appraisals.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitments one and three—and ensure accountability to our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion—we will encourage staff to reflect on their relationship to these principles and identify how their position impacts them.

Intended Outcomes
  • Raise awareness of Illinois International’s diversity, equity, and inclusion values and encourage staff to incorporate them into their work.
  • Encourage personal growth and self-exploration of perceptions and attitudes.
  • Build skills for working with and alongside individuals who are different from them.
  • Foster open and continuous conversations with supervisors.

Inputs Needed
  • Associate Provost for Illinois International to develop and propose revisions in alignment with Illinois International’s statemen on diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as the new annual plan process.
  • Committee to review proposal and provide guidance.
  • Global Communication to update the design of the form.
  • Human Resources to revise trainings and offer informational session to staff.
  • Human Resources and Committee to gather materials to help supervisors as they engage in diversity, equity, and inclusion related conversations during performance appraisals.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Associate Provost for Illinois International to draft changes to the appraisal form and share with Human Resources, unit directors, and the Committee for review.
  2. 2. Compile trainings and opportunities staff can undertake to assist themselves in meeting the intended outcomes.
  3. 3. Collect resources about biases, managing change, fostering inclusive conversations, and other topics supervisors or staff may encounter during the performance appraisal process.

Expected Outputs
  • Associate Provost for Illinois International: propose changes to the performance appraisal worksheet and seek feedback.
  • Human Resources/Committee/Unit Directors: review proposed changes and provide recommendations.
  • Human Resources/Committee: identify and share resources to support supervisors and employees.
  • Staff: engage in self-reflection and utilize resources.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • DEI Committee: propose changes to the performance appraisal worksheet.
  • Human Resources: partner with committee to propose and implement changes.
  • Senior Leadership: advocate for staff to participate by approving changes.
  • Staff: engage in self-reflection and utilize resources.

Incorporate a diversity, equity, and inclusion reflection into annual planning and budgeting processes.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitments one and three, Unit Directors will be changed with identifying how their unit will plan and support these efforts in their annual plans and budgets.

Intended Outcomes
  • Foster unit-level commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Ensure availability of time and funds to meet goals.

Inputs Needed
  • Revisions to existing annual planning and budgeting templates.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Draft changes to the annual plan and budget request forms in partnership with the Associate Provost for Illinois International.
  2. 2. Make approved changes to the annual plan and budget request forms.
  3. 3. Summarize unit annual plan goals focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion on website.
  4. 4. In Spring 2024, the Committee will provide updated guidance for completing the diversity, equity, and inclusion section of the annual plan.

Expected Outputs
  • Revised annual plan form.
  • Revised budget request form.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Illinois International Leadership: propose changes to intake forms.
  • Unit Directors: work with their staff to identify annual plan goals focused on meeting Illinois International’s diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments.
  • Committee Co-Chairs: attend annual planning retreat and annual planning update meetings throughout the year as well as provide guidance and support to units as they implement their strategic actions focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Not Yet Started

Implement a standard first-round interview question focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitment one, we will ensure that potential job candidates have an awareness of Illinois International’s commitment to diversity equity, and inclusion.

Intended Outcomes
  • Raise candidate awareness of our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, which are core values of Illinois International.
  • Support search committees acquiring an understanding of candidates experience and/or commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Ensure a more equitable and transparent search experience for all candidates.

Inputs Needed
  • Illinois International Leadership support and approval of goal.
  • Committee time to draft request language and evaluation guidelines.
  • Staff time to review and provide feedback.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Illinois International Leadership approve goal.
  2. 2. Committee meets with Human Resources to review past language.
  3. 3. Committee and Human Resources workshop new language and evaluation guidelines.
  4. 4. Provide new language and guidelines to all staff for review and approval.
  5. 5. Finalize with Illinois International Leadership.

Expected Outputs
  • First round interview question.
  • Guidelines for evaluating responses.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Committee: benchmark with other universities and propose language.
  • Human Resources: partner with committee to draft language and ensure that search committees are aware of the evaluation practices.
  • Illinois International Leadership: review and approve final language.

Implement a process for ongoing reviews of our unit operations for inclusivity.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitment two, we will identify gaps, remedy potentially harmful practices, and proactively improve unit policies, processes, and procedures.

Intended Outcomes
  • Create a unit culture of ongoing critical reflection.
  • Ensure that new and existing policies have been thoroughly vetted by appropriate stakeholders, including the DEI Committee.
  • Design and revise internal processes and procedures to ensure that our operations are free of gaps and potentially harmful practices.
  • Document context, decision, and applicable improvements on the staff portal to ensure that the information is accessible for all stakeholders.

Expected Inputs
  • Policy on policies.
  • Staff time.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Identify a method for reviewing unit policies, processes, and procedures.
  2. 2. Conduct the review.
  3. 3. Address findings from the review through solutions, consultations, advocacy, and/or feedback sessions.
  4. 4. Document and disseminate the solutions and/or outcomes.

Expected Outputs
  • Documented evaluations of unit policies, processes, and procedures.
  • As applicable, new or revised policies, processes, and procedures.

Roles & Responsibilities
  • Committee: ensure that stakeholders have an opportunity to offer input, advocate for proposed ideas, serve as liaison for the evaluation process, and support units in evaluation process.
  • Illinois International Leadership: prioritize and resource the reviews and outcomes, listen actively to all stakeholders, and provide guidance and feedback.
  • Unit Directors: prioritize and resource the reviews and outcomes, listen actively to all stakeholders, provide feedback, and oversee implementation of solutions and/or outcomes.
  • Staff: identify and propose unit polices, processes, and procedures for review, and contribute to evaluations and implementation of solutions and/or outcomes.
  • Consultants (as applicable): as an expert in the issue or challenge, advise and provide feedback following the unit’s analysis.
  • Stakeholders (as applicable): as a user, provide feedback and articulate needs to support the unit’s evaluation process.


Creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environment is ongoing work. Below are initiatives that have reached a natural conclusion or are being pursued as part of another action.

Create a webpage and internal resource guide about our DEI statement and initiatives.

Purpose & Goals

To meet commitment two, we will maintain transparency and accountability about our steps towards a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable unit.

Inputs Needed
  • Global Communication support to create and maintain webpages.

Intended Outcomes
  • Maintain transparency and accountability among staff of Illinois International's DEI activities and progress.
  • Ensure potential employees and partners have access to information on our efforts.

Accountability Check Points
  1. 1. Complete outputs identified under the action "appoint and charge a unit-wide DEI Committee.""
  2. 2. Publish a unit DEI statement on unit websites and staff portal.
  3. 3. Determine frequency of data reporting for metrics (including, but not limited to, page visits, time viewing page, and file downloads).

Expected Outputs
  • DEI webpages.
  • DEI section on staff portal.
  • DEI resource page with applicable campus resources.
  • Metrics to be included in reports as requested (including, but not limited to, page visits, time viewing page, and file downloads).

Roles & Responsibilities
  • DEI Committee: maintain content and submit web edits to Global Communication as appropriate.
  • Global Communication: make edits proposed by the DEI Committee.
  • Staff: Utilize information provided.

Establish robust advertising guidelines and resources for units aimed at increasing the diversity of applicants and eliminating bias during the recruitment process.

In partnership with Illinois International Human Resources, the following practices are now standard operating procedure for all unit searches:

  • Utilize a gender decoder to examine job description language prior to publication.
  • Require all roles to be advertised in mediums aimed at attracting diverse candidates, including utilizing advertising funds toward said goal.
  • Ensure that searches have diverse interview panels (age, race, gender, etc.).
  • Engage interviewees in either a skills test or real-life problem-solving challenge to help reduce the possibility of likeability bias.

This action was undertaken following input from Illinois International Human Resources and the recommendation from the 2020-2021 Work Groups.

Conduct an audit of Illinois International salaries to ensure equity with comparable campus positions.

Senior Leadership and Illinois International Human Resources conducted a salary audit during the 2021-2022 academic year. Salaries were a key issue related to retention as identified in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Reflection.

With the approval and support of the Provost, several Illinois International staff received a salary adjustment to bring their salaries into a new range consistent with related campus units.

This action was undertaken utilizing data collected by Illinois International Human Resources and the recommendation from the 2020-2021 Work Groups.

Review operations that have significant duplication or overlap across units.

Three areas of Illinois International's operations were identified to be duplicative. Those areas were administration, communication, and business operations. Based on the recommendations from senior leadership, each operational area was charged with identifying the viability of a shared services model.

Communications underwent the review process first in early 2021. A shared services model was deemed viable and was implemented in July 2021. Learn more about Global Communication shared services.

The business operations aspect of Illinois International was already engaged in a partial shared services model. The unit transitioned to a full shared services model in July 2022.